Did you know Palos Verdes High School is prominently featured in Lethal Weapon?
Month: July 2000
Road trip: Day 6
The next day, we got up, showered, and left for Lion’s Choice. This is some roast beef place that is a St. Louis thing. We […]
Santa Clara County Tap Water and Miscarriage
Disturbing. This link from the San Jose Water company, indicates that there’s a link between drinking a lot of tap water in Santa Clara County, […]
Why do people stalk me? Two random people have recently linked me their pages. I never ask people to do this. Anyway, one’s from Northwestern, […]
Is spelling “publicly” as “publically” a valid poetic device?
JBB T-Shirts
I ran into Stephen Chang at church today, and he saw the jacked bulletin board t-shirts that Liz made, and wanted to know what it […]
Terrible Electric Guitarist
I’m a terrible electric guitarist. It’s not that I don’t know how to play it, it’s just I don’t know how to get the sounds […]
Road trip: Day 5
So I was afraid that this stupid travelogue was boring. But Allie said it was boring. As we all know, whatever Allie finds boring the […]
KCPC Special Praise
One of the first special praises I did for KCPC was at a joint FiC, I think. Me, Dave and Leo did it. I still […]
Soli Deo Gloria
The reason I’m not sure it’s the first I did is because I’m not sure when Soli Deo Gloria was in relation to that. I […]