John and I played a little game last week where he tried to guess the top selling hard/softcover books at CBD. See, you can get […]
Month: March 2001
Stanford Employee
I was at Best Buy in East Palo Alto the other day, and was waiting in line behind this modestly dressed Latino guy. He paid […]
Not Last
I didn’t get last in Simon’s pool! Thanks Dave!
I think I find things “absurd” that aren’t truly absurd. Like, when we were in St. Louis, on Sunday we attended Leo’s church. It’s a […]
Keith Lee JBB
If you had told me a month ago that Keith Lee and thong would be the primary source of passion and energy in the new […]
Mexican Food in St. Louis
Don’t ever eat Mexican food in St. Louis. Just, they have a while to go. We went to a place, and I thought it was […]
I don’t think Henry will learn to spell ‘exaggerate’ correctly before he dies. Argh.
I’m in freaking last place in Simon’s ESPN pool, and I will likely stay there. I’m a disgrace to modern society.
Stanford / Cincinnati Basketball
Last night’s Stanford / Cincinnati game reminded me how different the schools’ basketball programs are. In no area more than academics. Cincinati’s center majors in […]
I watched Parenthood last night. I was surprised at how much I liked it. There was some big flaws with it. It was about 20 […]