“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have.” – 1 Peter 3:15 […]
Month: June 2001
Henry Simpsons
I’d wager the single biggest reason Henry’s glad he’s seen so many classics is now he gets more of the jokes on The Simpsons.
Henry Is More Patient
You know what the difference between Henry and me is? Not the difference but a difference. Henry is more patient. Is that bold? It’s true. […]
Houston Flooding
I talked to my mom today and she told me about the flooding in Houston. Some areas got 32 inches of rain in 12 hours. […]
KCPC Worship Gone Wrong
Something always goes wrong when I lead praise at KCPC. But I think this week tops them all. The front speakers weren’t on for the […]
Wrists Hurting
My wrists started hurting again a couple weeks ago. I was pretty worried about it. But, I started wearing long sleeve shirts to work again […]
FiCB Giving Furniture Away
There used to be a tradition at FiCB, dunno if it’s still there. But when people graduated and moved out or whatever, they gave their […]
Christianity Today on Dating
I highly recommend you read the latest issue of Christianity Today. It just deals with a lot of the issues that have been brought up […]
On occasion I talk about how the schools I went to growing up (not high school) were poor and whatever and how I didn’t live […]
Golfland Emerald Hills
I met some friends in San Jose today, and since I was in the area, of course I went to the Golfland on Blossom Hill. […]