Rumor has it one of the contestants on Survivor 4 is a Stanford student.
Month: January 2002
Nokia Snake Scoring
Found a site that discusses scoring in Nokia Snake. I’m pretty excited.
Shy At Work
I was talking to a friend about this. Here’s something I don’t get about myself. In public, I can be an extremely outgoing, friendly guy. […]
Nokia Snake
I recently played a perfect game of Snake on a Nokia cell phone. Meaning, I completely filled up the screen. It’s not that hard, it […]
Road Rage
I think I’m pretty good right now with road rage. I don’t get riled up. Some people say they yell to let off steam, but […]
Yesterday I bought a tangelo. That’s a fruit that’s a cross between a tangerine and a pomelo, which is like a grapefruit. It was OK, […]
Star Wars and LoTR
100% agree that LoTR and Star Wars are in the same category. Just happens that I’m on the outside in LoTR and somewhat on the […]
jbb on FoTR
The thing that’s most making me like FoTR less is that thread on the jbb. Completely incomprehensible. The posts have some form of English syntax […]
Fellowship Of The Ring
The more I think about Fellowship of the Ring the less I like it. I mean, I liked it, but the more I hear people […]
Ocean’s Eleven
I loved Ocean’s Eleven. 4 out of 5 stars. Not sure why, just, it was well crafted and I dunno, just cool. It just worked […]