Is that punch or sangria? For some reason, I’ll always think of the class of 2001 as underage.
Month: September 2002
First Seasons Of Simpsons
The first season of the Simpsons isn’t that bad. Some of the episodes are pretty funny. But yeah, just started going through the second season […]
Another survey thing
Another one of those surveys. Whatever, I’ve done thousands of them but Jieun sent it to me so here it is. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS? – married, […]
Books I read on my honeymoon
This entry is about the books I read on my honeymoon. Just wanted to start an entry Eric Yang style. So, I took four books […]
Esquire on Gary Condit
Henry, did you read the Gary Condit story in the last Esquire? I thought it was fascinating. Condit was a great politician. Good at what […]
The Royal Tannenbaums
The Royal Tannenbaums: 1.5 stars. Maybe one star. I hated it. I read some reviewers and a lot expressed it exactly – I’ve never seen […]
Advice For Darlene
So Darlene, random advice that you probably don’t want. But how about considering where you can serve also? I dunno, it’s probably obvious so you […]
Road Trip III: Post John
Road Trip III: post John John left really early in the morning to fly back to his church that he can’t ever miss except in […]
Prejudice, Not Racism
Jieun doesn’t get mad that I’m racist. She gets mad that I use the term “racist”. What I actually am, she says, is “prejudiced.” As […]
I Loved Junior High
Random fact about me: I loved junior high. Unequivocally, completely loved it. I look back on junior high with a lot of fondness. I think […]