Another thing. I’m not that big on multi-ethnic churches. I’m not against it, I’m just not big into it being an explicit goal.

We had this meeting some time back talking about what we can do to make the church grow and this one guy said something that really blessed me. Just, he’s a relatively new believer and he said something to the effect that he wasn’t certain why church growth should be a goal. The more important things were that people grow and that people get saved. Growth in numbers then is almost like a side effect, not the goal.

I dunno, it was just a good reminder I thought. It’s kind of like what Charlie Peacock calls having a Kingdom perspective. So I’m not entirely certain what the point of being multi-ethnic is. If it helps people grow and helps bring people to Christ, I’m 100% for it. But if it’s to make people feel better about themselves or be symbolic or something, I dunno, I’m against it. I think that lacks Kingdom perspective; not every church is supposed to be a perfect representation of every single aspect of the Kingdom, I think.

Whoa, preachy couple of posts. Where did that come from.

One more thing. I think I’ve said this before. But I sometimes hear (including from myself) how we don’t want to send our kids to schools or churches that are overly Asian. I’ve thought about it though and I think there’s about no chance of that happening. I’m telling you, Asians are taking over. In 20 years, most of the best schools and many of the good churches will have lots of Asians there. That’s my claim. The problem is that we are Asian, and we have Asian values. So the things we value other Asians value also, so they’ll flock to the same places.

I’m basing this on the good schools in the Bay Area and in Houston, visiting Redeemer, and the churches around here like Abundant Life, PBC, and whatever. It’s not an exception, it’s a trend. So yeah, if you want a good school or church, get used to there being Asians there. That’s my claim.

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