I’m not sure why this is, but I feel like separating Christianity from government is a really good thing. Actually, I know exactly why I feel this way. I could care less about symbols – I’m all about souls. And I feel in this day and age, a healthy separation is more helpful in terms of evangelism. Furthermore, I think it sets a good example for what we would like other countries to do where Christianity is not a primary religion, which would foster evangelism there.

So like, I’ve already beaten the Alabama 10 Commandments thing to death. But yeah, it doesn’t attract people to Christianity. And it definitely turns people off. So I don’t see much of the point.

Anyway, maybe this is wrong of me, but I’m against that general saying all he did also. It’s not a matter of free speech or right or wrong or whatever; to me it’s an issue of propriety. And for someone in his position, I think his comments, regardless of the audience, lacked propriety.

I’m against people who believe that they should say everything they think is true, no filtering whatsoever. That’s stupid, and incidentally, a bad idea in relationships. You don’t have to lie, it’s just, it’s not required that everything be said.

Anyway yeah, he’s in a position that requires to some extent diplomacy, and that in large part is why I think it was wrong for him to say what he said. Comments like that aren’t constructive at all – they galvanize the world against the U.S. And no matter how true you think it is, it’s a stupid thing for someone in his position to say.

So I’m against him saying it. It’s not about the world persecuting Christians. It’s about being wise in regards to your office and position. His comments can have a huge negative effect abroad. And the only possible positive being “encouraging” Christians here. I dunno, I’m against. But that’s just me.

My pet peeve though are Christians who misrepresent the Founding Fathers. Some of them were Christians sure. But some key ones who are quoted sometimes are decidedly not. Like Thomas Jefferson. Lots of them were Deists, including I believe Benjamin Franklin, whom the general quotes.

Also, Gus is right. We’re not a Christian nation. I don’t say that with pride, it’s a sad thing. But yeah, I don’t understand why people seem to think God will have extra favor on the U.S. We should pray for our leaders and our country, yes. But this country as a whole is an unbelieving one. Why should God pay favor to us?

I really liked what Anne Graham Lotz said after 9/11, something that was totally misunderstood by the media. She was answering how God could let something like that happen. And she said (I hope I get the spirit of what she said) she believed that God was grieved by it. But it’s ironic that we do all we can to push God out of everything and then wonder why He doesn’t protect us. It’s true. We’ve pushed God out of this country, and why we expect Him to protect us as a “Christian” nation makes no sense.

Hmm, I just completely contradicted myself. First saying I support a lot of separation between church and state and then saying it’s nonsensical to expect God’s protection when we’re pushed him out. Hmm. I have to think about that.

Anyway, read this chat with Anne Graham Lotz on CNN.com. She gives great answers, consistently pushing the gospel. I really like her response to a question about whether she agrees with Falwell et al that 9/11 was a punishment from God for “immoral” acts. She says the punishment for sin is death. “So God doesn’t punish someone for sin by sending suicide bombers to the [World Trade Center] buildings. God punishes sin by sending His Son to the cross, to die in our place. That was God’s punishment for sin.” What a great answer.

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