I don’t like saying “we’re” pregnant. I think I get the sentiment, that it’s a team effort, and I want to be a part of […]
Month: September 2005
Why I Love Growing Young
Another Rich Mullins song that is dear to my heart, Growing Young (username: guest, passwd: [my wife’s maiden name]) that no one will read through. […]
You know what I found interesting about Montreal. It felt more French than American. Not just the language, but like the cuisine, the atmosphere, other […]
New pics
Posted some new pics recently, Grandma’s 80th Birthday in Oregon, Tahiti Honeymoon, and Las Vegas 2002. Kind of random why I’m posting those old pics, […]
God and disasters
Ebert wrote something recently that made me think: “Those who interpret natural disasters as messages from God almost always think God is sending a message […]
Why I Love The Howling
I have no idea what blogs are for, but my personal philosophy is that it’s for getting to know a person slightly better. In pursuit […]
Hurricane Rita
Hurricane Rita is bearing down on Houston and it’s freaking me out, and I’m not even there. Sister says it’s madness. Traffic is insane, bro-in-law […]
Ramblings About Out Of The Grey
Long boring rambling entry that absolutely no one will get through. I’ve mentioned this before, but I actually don’t listen to music a ton, which […]
I’m sick. It sucks. Jieun, the pregnant vomiting woman, is taking care of me. Not good times for either of us.
The Transporter 2, So You Think You Can Dance, Dance Scars
The Transporter 2, on the other hand, was a fantastically entertaining movie. Lee would love it – there’s essentially no character development, and the flimsiest […]