OK, so these video game music things are getting tired, but this one’s pretty cool – 2 guitars at the same time.
Month: June 2006
Fake Glass Door Prank
It’s awful that I find this clip so funny, but I do.
Estate Tax
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m against repealing the estate tax. I’m not a socialist, but I’m against solidifying and reinforcing the lines between the haves […]
Don’t Feed The Monster
My sister finds Dave’s dance entries “inspiring.” Jieun just got through watching, with immense joy and laughter, Henry’s latest video, which shows a full month […]
Keyboard, Baby Einstein
Our keyboard is one of the greatest purchases I’ve ever made. I’d probably rank it third all time, after Jieun’s engagement ring and my XBox. […]
Terman basketball
I don’t like playing basketball at Terman. Partly because I just don’t really like playing basketball period. Some people love the game itself so much […]