I spent the latter part of the evening listening to Britney Spears. And liking it. I dunno, I think a part of me is a Britney apologist. Yes, I still kind of think she’s an anti-Christ, but when I listen to her music I feel really sorry for her. Songs like I’m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman (which I’ve already written about way too much) and Lucky rings with a melancholic truth on a level I’m not sure she even realizes, which makes it even sadder.

Even if she is white trash, I don’t think she’s deserving of the level of disdain we pour out on her. She is what she is; why all the hate? It’s not her fault if she’s unintelligent and/or unrefined. I think we should just lay off a bit.

As opposed to say, Jude Law. Did I mention how he was at my cousin’s restaurant while we were eating there? Wearing a sleeveless-T and tight slacks, the type of outfit you can only pull off if you’re European or gay (or both). I was simultaneously excited to see him there and sick to my stomach at my excitement. Why does celebrity do that to me? Britney might be trash, but this guy’s a slimeball, the type of man I literally pray I never become. And yet I found myself wanting to catch a glimpse of him. Ugh.

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