Random Boston wrapup notes. First, for some reason, the strength of the wi-fi connection on my MacBook is stronger when the machine is plugged in […]
Month: April 2007
Boston update
I’m sitting in my room at the Hyatt Regency Cambridge, in town to play in Dave Vanderpool’s wedding. They charge $10 a day for Internet […]
Happy Birthday Matthew
My nephew. One of my favorite pictures of all time.
Cousins, Blackout
I’m a seriously bad writer. I didn’t get across what I meant in my last entry at all. Oh well, such is short thoughts. I […]
VTech Shootings
I have nothing original to add about the VTech shootings. It’s just really sad. I will say though I never worried about potential backlash against […]
Work vs. Christianity
In 2000, Dave and I attended this random conference, I can’t even remember what it was for, but as I recall it was startup oriented […]
Random book reviews
Inspired by Jason’s reading list, some quick reviews of books I’ve read in the past few months: 1776 – I think it won the Pulitzer? […]
Shema is a prayer?
Mike referenced the Shema Prayer on Sunday. The heart of the Shema Prayer comes from Deuteronomy 6: Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the […]
Guns don’t kill people; homework does
I read a fascinating book recently, The Homework Myth. Its basic thesis is that, if you look at the research, more homework does not foster […]
Selflessness and Selfishness of Parenthood
Being a parent has an interesting effect. On one hand, I’ve never felt so unselfish in my whole life. Parenthood makes you giving in a […]