Sunday night, while we were staying with them, my mom and her friend made a huge batch of kimchee. Making kimchee stinks up the whole house; I could even smell it outside, down the driveway while playing with my nephew. The problem, of course, is that Jieun is extremely smell-sensitive at the moment. The couldn’t relate since they never had morning sickness, but the house reeking of strong smell (including, unrelatedly, a huge bowl of peeled garlic) was not good times for her.
It reminded me of her first pregnancy, when, in the throes of even worse morning sickness, we took a trip to Oregon. Our extremely well-meaning cousins planned a bunch of activities; nearly all of them ended up making Jieun feel sick. We drove through a bunch of windy roads. Made Jieun vomit. Visited the Tillamook cheese factory. Cheese = strong smells = Jieun vomit. I think we went to the beach also, which can also smell strong.
We also spent a day down in Eugene with my great-aunt (another nausea-inducing drive – her throwup in the bathroom near the university was particularly gross) and had dinner there, and I can’t exactly remember the menu, but it was like a checklist of foods pregnant women aren’t supposed to eat. It was like raw fish served with soft cheese washed down with beer. Kind of comical, only in retrospect.
No point to this really, just that people don’t always realize how hard Jieun’s sickness is, and she’s a trooper.