I know I’ve written about this before, but I’m terrible on the phone as well. I address this mostly by almost never talking on the phone, but when I have to, it’s awkward and terrible. Drives Jieun bananas.

The part I’m worst at is the ending. Really, there are only a few ways to end a phone conversation. “See you later.” “Talk to you soon.” “It was good talking to you.” And so forth. So I mentally prepare myself for the right ending response. The problem is when I choose poorly. It’s like in Tecmo Bowl on the NES, when the defense chooses the right play it just destroys the offense, except in reverse. So they’ll say something like, “hey, I have to go now.” And I’ll say “you too”. Whoops. I was ready for “it was good talking to you” or “hope you’re doing well”. Epic fail.

I’ve lowered my miss rate, but it still happens from time to time and when it does, it sucks, because the last impression I leave is just perplexing. Oh well. Just don’t talk to me on the phone. I’m better in person. Ask Jieun.

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