So things got a lot better after I wrote my last entry. Very few tantrums since then. So I’m chalking it up to her being sick. It’s crazy how much her health affects her mood, although it makes sense. Same thing happens to me.

That used to depress me, in a weird sort of way. I believed that true strength meant not being affected by your environment or circumstances, that you imposed yourself on your surroundings rather than the reverse. I applied this to faith as well. But I found myself constantly deeply impacted by things outside my control. And that depressed me, that I wasn’t living up to my peculiar definition of strength.

I’m over that. It is what it is. I was driving the other day listening to a Jana Alayra CD in the sun and found myself in a really chipper mood. Combination of peppy music and (finally) wondrous sunshine. Weather affects my mood a lot. No use bemoaning it. It is what it is. My spiritual strength tends to be really impacted by things outside me also. How small group is going. Church. I used to be sad about this. But it is what it is.

All right, here’s the thing Ted tagged me in. There was a while when all my short thoughts were surveys. Maybe I’ll return to that. I doubt there’s anything here that people don’t already know, but whatever.


ow, here’s what you’re supposed to do…and please do not spoil the fun. Create a new note, copy and paste this message, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then tag a few good friends and family INCLUDING the person who tagged you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known things about your friends and family. Have fun!

Three Names I Go By
1. Danny
2. Daniel (at work)
3. dchai (UNIX, also at work)

Three Jobs I Have Had In My Life
1. Hot dog vendor at Great America. Sometimes mixed it up by doing lemonade stand or other booths in the “Farmer’s Market”.
2. Lab rat (two summers) at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. The first summer I did research on angiogenesis inhibitors, so I’m well versed in vascular endothelial growth factor and all that jazz. At the time (summer ’94), they were still trying to come up with clinical drugs for these, then I lost track. I think Avastin is one now.
3. Piano accompanist, Stanford University. For the sole purpose of accompanying Kathy Y7ng at her voice lessons, one hour a week. But I got paid for it.

Three Places I Have Lived
1. Columbus, OH. Born.
2. Sunnyvale, CA. Moved there from Ohio.
3. San Jose, CA

Three TV Shows That I Watch
1. The Amazing Race (U.S. and Asia versions). If you’re looking for a pure competition, don’t watch it, because it’s horribly unfair and way too subject to randomness. What’s interesting about it to me is seeing how different people react to stress. It’s fascinating. This might be bold, but you can really tell which relationships will do well in life based on how they do on this show, under stress.
2. Battlestar Galactica. Just finished the first season. I can’t believe how good this show is, both in terms of production quality and substance. Lot of interesting philosophical issues raised.
3. Friday Night Lights. Not a perfect show. The characters are wildly inconsistent. But the emotional heart of the show is real. It also has the most honest portrayal of an evangelical church I’ve seen in the mainstream media.

Three Places I Have Been
1. Fatima, Portugal. Site of the famous Our Lady of Fatima, and one of the most depressing places I have ever been to in my life.
2. Kamloops, Canada
3. Qufu, China

Three Places I Want To Go
1. Macchu Picchu, Peru. Before it’s completely destroyed by tourists.
2. Buenos Aires, Argentina
3. Prague, Czech

Three Of My Favorite Foods
1. Pizza
2. Soba
3. Fast food

Things I Am Looking Forward To
1. Going to sporting events with Joshua
2. Moving on to the next stage of my life after programming
3. Birthday dinner at Coi.

Three Pets That You Have Owned
1. Goldie Gold and Action Jack (goldfish)
2. Brownie and… dang, I forgot the other one (hamsters)
3. Thunder (cat)

Three Friends Who Will Reply
1. Not
2. One
3. Soul

Three Favorite Bands/Artists
1. Out of the Grey
2. Sting
3. Elliot Smith

Three Favorite Teams To Watch
1. San Francisco 49ers
2. Houston Rockets
3. Jamaican bobsled team in Cool Runnings. Tears at the end. Seriously.

Three Favorite Drinks
1. Mighty Leaf Organic Hojicha Green Tea. I’m not into the organic thing at all, but this is the best green tea I’ve had. I used to visit Eric at Google and take huge pocketfuls of this. It’s really good. On a related note, Trader Joe’s green tea is the worst.
2. Jack In The Box Oreo Cookie Milkshake. I only have it about once every 2 years because it’s so bad for you and it gives me diarrhea. But darn good.
3. Starbucks’ Caramel Apple Cider. I once contemplated buying an espresso machine just to make this drink on demand.

Three Favorite Desserts
1. Creme Brulee. SN. Is this a Spanish, English, or French dessert in origin?
2. Cream puffs from Lee’s Sandwiches, Beard Papa’s or Satura.
3. Cinnabon. So bad for you – the aroma alone makes you gain a pound. But so good.

Three Favorite Stores
1. Fry’s Electronics
2. Borders
3. Costco

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