Interesting Q&A about the importance of play.
You know one thing I miss about Catholic school – they had really developed theology on many subjects and taught what they were. Like, in a Social Justice class, I learned about a theology of food, and it was fascinating. Evangelicals probably have theologies on subjects like these, but it’s not popularly communicated, for whatever reason.
Anyway, the subject of the Sabbath (and rest in general) is another one of those subjects I find fascinating that (at least in my experience) isn’t really taught about too much. But it’s treated as hugely important in Scripture. Sabbath rest is there from the creation of the world to the end of time (Hebrews describes salvation as entering into rest). But how often do we really think about rest? Or think of it as being holy? Or think about what it could possibly mean that rest is holy?
That the Q&A guy concludes that play is vital doesn’t surprise me. It’s consistent with what Christians believe – we were designed for rest.
It also confirms to me that Sunday Halo – even Easter Sunday Halo – is altogether appropriate.