ABC was in the office yesterday because we reached 500 million active users. You can see me, obstructed in the ABC World News video at 8:40, just left of the reporter, hidden behind my monitor. Also again briefly at 19:30. I think I performed well. If programming doesn’t work out, I may pursue a career as a Wilson-type character in network newscasts.
Apparently I was quoted in a recent news article also. I’m now known to the dozens of people who read it for giving beer. I hadn’t heard from Ryan in maybe a decade before he called for this. Incidentally, the friend to whom I gave that beer? George.
Also, Jieun insisted that Amazon clean up their entry for my dad’s book so now I’m listed and come up if you search for my name in Amazon. For the record, I was against putting my name on it, because I really didn’t do anything and none of the text or ideas are mine, but my dad ended up doing it anyway.
Now I need to get on IMDB. Maybe I can have Janice list me in “Special Thanks” for her short film just so I can get a listing. Then my goal of being obscurely mentioned in media will be complete.