At work, the espresso bars offer a “Milky Way” – a latte with vanilla, chocolate, and caramel. Underneath the description, it says “ask for whipped cream!” And we wonder why our country is so overweight.

I have no idea why we’re still watching Lost. We haven’t seen this week’s episode yet, but last week’s angered us to no end. It’s all setup and no resolution, extremely frustrating. The worst part was the end. They played this music with a little montage that made it feel as if something significant had happened in the episode. But nothing significant happened. Nothing happened at all. Nothing ever happens. NOTHING FRICKIN HAPPENS.

I’m ready to cut the cord, and I think we’re not going to watch any more episodes until the end of the season, if people say it’s worth it. Because at this point, the rage is not good for my soul.

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