I’m a big believer that if you really want to solve a problem, you have to get to the source. So like with the problem of huge numbers of illegal immigrants coming to the U.S. from Mexico. We could institute certain measures, like tougher enforcement of borders or figuring out better ways to assimilate them. But if we really want to find a long term solution, we need to address the root cause. And that is, the difference in per capita GDP between the U.S. and Mexico is greater than that of any two adjacent countries in the world. Much of this is out of our control. But in whatever ways we can help Mexico develop, we should.
I’m also totally against abstinence-only sex education. I’ll probably rant more about that one of these days, but yeah. I mean, I obviously understand the moral principle. The problem is, trying to make that one stand in the face of our sexual culture is like trying to stand up to a tidal wave. It just doesn’t work. I think I mentioned that study before, that showed that kids who make abstinence-until-marriage pledges (who are presumably mostly Christian) have sex before marriage in numbers comparable to everyone else. The big difference is, they tend to engage in riskier acts. That study totally depressed me and freaked me out. But I guess I shouldn’t be too suprised.
What we really need to do is change the culture. What’s that involve? No clue. Personally, I’d like to see a different, non-anonymous Internet, stricter enforcement of MPAA ratings, and more regulation of what’s shown on TV, like never showing Friends. Obviously, that’s never gonna happen, but whatever, I still think Christians need to focus on finding ways to change the culture, not just get kids to make abstinence pledges that they don’t keep.
Not that I know anything. Random.