I had a fairly major epiphany recently: I don’t like baseball. I just don’t. It’s boring. Dong was surprised by this, saying how it’s so statistical he’d think I’d be all into that (which incidentally, is an indirect way of saying I’m a nerd. Which incidentally, is a compliment in Silicon Valley).
And that’s my beef with it. The things that might be interesting to me about baseball are incidental. Like the stats. Or the ballpark atmosphere, which I do like, but that has nothing to do with the game itself. The game on its own terms, I’m sorry, but it’s boring to me. Long periods of boredom punctuated by brief periods of action, which, compared to other sports, aren’t even that athletic.
On the other hand, football and basketball, sports I love, are (to me) inherently exciting. Beautiful displays of athleticism and constant motion. Two things that aren’t really seen in baseball.
So yeah, no more baseball for me, including fantasy baseball. And it’s a very freeing feeling.