I posted this on Facebook last week but it needs more attention. Check out this ESPN story on people using basketball for social good. My cousin is the second person featured. He’s living, teaching, and coaching in Mozambique. There’s a more fleshed out version of it here. SN: parts of the story are taken from his blog entries in the good old jack days. Good times.

People like Marshall (and Dave, for that matter) give me hope. Not because they’re these amazing people, but because they’re normal. It reminds me that you don’t have to be some sort of superstar to be used by God to do good in this world. And it reminds me that God is using people to do good all the time. The ESPN stories don’t mention it, and I won’t mention names, but there was someone in the jack community who gave generously to help finance a basketball court that Marshall built in Moz. God’s using people to do good all the time, and it’s good for me to look around every once in a while and see what’s going on.

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