Some Menlo Park work peeps were in town so our team went out for high tea. High tea is fun but crazy expensive, at least the 2 places I’ve been to so far, like $75 a head. The food’s pretty good and the service impeccable, but still, in general, I’d rather have 30 In-N-Out Burgers. You get champagne, tea, finger sandwiches, scones (with clotted cream (delicious) and jam), and desserts. All you can eat and drink. But still. $75. An experience worth having, but not that frequently.

I have heard that there are alternative themed, less-expensive high tea places out there (I’ve apparently been to 2 of the most expensive). Might give that a try next time we have visitors that want a high tea experience.

The oddest thing was that as we were leaving, the main exits were blocked off and there was a crowd in front. I asked some Japanese tourists in the crowd who they were waiting for – they said they didn’t know. Asked someone else – it was the Kardashians. We hung around for a few minutes to see them leave. I gave them a thumbs up through the window of their Range Rover as they were driving off and yelled “U.S.A!”

We walked to the tube station behind a couple of girls who had actually ran after the car for a bit and were literally jumping up and down the whole way in glee that they had seen and briefly stalked the Kardashians. That made me really sad.

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