I’m sitting in my room at the Hyatt Regency Cambridge, in town to play in Dave Vanderpool’s wedding. They charge $10 a day for Internet access… forget that. I’m mooching off the dregs of networks I can find, alternating between one called “linksys” and one called “NETGEAR”. I’m right next to MIT so I’m a little surprised people around here would have an unprotected network. And a little worried they’re running some keystroke recorder or something. But whatever.

It was a bear getting here, let me tell you. Took the red-eye that arrived at 5:10 AM. We’ve been overbudget and I didn’t want to spend $35 on a cab, so I took the T and walked. Someone forgot to tell Boston it’s spring. Windy and freezing rain. I was soaked by the time I got there. Check in is at 4, but I think I looked so wet and miserable they let me check in really early.

So I’m watching the Warriors-Mavs game and it’s insane. It’s only halftime and it’s nearly midnight. No wonder why West Coast teams don’t get enough attention.

Anyway, truth be told, I’m scared to death about playing tomorrow. I’m playing a bunch of classical/soundtrack stuff. I can pull of worship stuff no problem, but the classical stuff, I’m way too rusty. My goal in weddings is always the same – be as non-distracting as possible. Don’t draw attention either good or bad. And at another wedding I’d be less worried, but tomorrow there’s gonna be a bunch of super-achieving Boston types who all took music lessons as kids and can’t be faked. Whatever, I just hope I don’t screw up too badly.

I’m also kind of sad I’m gone this weekend. Right before I left, Abby started taking significant steps, like 7 at a time. I’m pretty sure this is going to be a breakthrough weekend. I try not to work too much and almost never travel, so I’m sad I’m going to miss that. Oh well, such is life.

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