So my uncle has a PhD in geology so I asked him some questions, I figure if anyone would know, it would be him. It’s […]
Another Brain Teaser
So the answer to the brain teaser is 0.5. Isn’t that an interesting result? I thought so. Here’s another one. Say you have a table, […]
Reading Korean
I’m surprised at how much of that I understood. I can “read” Korean, but I can’t really read Korean, so I basically have to sound […]
Charlie’s Angels 2
Charlie’s Angels 2 is a bad bad movie. I just reread Dave’s description of Hong Kong movies (“things just happen with no explanation, you just […]
Movies and Purpose
I think one of the big reasons I liked Reloaded is related to this season in my life. The movies that have resonated strongly with […]
Matrix: Zion
It’s kind of true, I do relate to Samson. Not in terms of strength, just in terms of stupidity. The fact that I continually, stupidly […]
Teeth Grinding
I grind my teeth. I’ve ground my teeth ever since I was a kid. I think it’s genetic – my mom does also. I’ve heard […]
Kill Bill
Ted will hate me but I saw Kill Bill. It was disturbing, yeah, but not as disturbing as I was expecting. But still fairly disturbing. […]
Matrix Agents Rules
There’s one thing about both Matrix movies that I’m still confused about. When is it that Agents are able to inhabit other people? At times, […]
Egad. A week ago I asked if radio stations ever played New Kids anymore. Tonight, I heard The Right Stuff on Mix 106.5 (“The best […]