There’s a line from Chariots of Fire, “When I run I feel His pleasure.” I’ve heard it mentioned in sermons. You know what? I think […]
3 Quick Notes
3 quick notes of no importance: Kobe now has a tattoo honoring Psalm 27. Bizarre. And wasn’t the Kobe story in Newsweek fascinating? I think […]
What Teams I Root For
I find it interesting which sports teams I end up rooting for when I have no immediate vested interest. A lot of times, I cannot […]
Capacity For Evil, Empathy
This is just my opinion, but I think you’re employing two fallacies here. #1, you’re not just talking about a capacity for doing evil, but […]
My Political Affiliations
After I voted today I was thinking about it and I really have no idea what my political affiliations are. My policy beliefs are all […]
SoCal Koreans
This weekend I was involved in a conversation with a bunch of 27 year olds, and half the guys were speaking knowledgeably about the cartoons […]
Friends Quality Writing
This is pretty much just for Dave. From the current Newsweek, the editor’s desk: (Writing about Friends) “… I’ve been won over by the consistently […]
How My Sister And I Split Food
When we were growing up, after grocery shopping my sister and I would split everything equally and it was very clear that neither of us […]
Growing Up Poor
It’s interesting how growing up poor affects people. I think some people become very comfortable with not having money, but others, once they escape it, […]
“Inspiration without application leads to frustration.” I rather like that. Nice quotation. Joe’s Crab Shack is a national chain. There’s one in Lawrenceville, NJ. I […]