I find females fascinating. I was talking to SugarShock’s sister yesterday and she was saying how when they (3 girls) were growing up, when they […]
Extended Family Competent In English
I’ve said this countless times but yeah, my extended family is really different from almost any other Korean families I know and I wonder a […]
Apparently in Korea the trend among married couples is that the wife calls the husband “oppa” (older brother). Friends (again, just from what I hear, […]
Access Hollywood
While waiting for Survivor last night I caught the last part of Access Hollywood. SN. Pat O’Brien is one of my favorite sports broadcasters. Especially […]
English to 12-year-old-AOL-user translator
The English to 12-year-old-AOL-user translator. Here’s the first part of Scott’s last entry: We have two very stellar med students on rotation with us right […]
Honeymoon Notes
Some honeymoon notes. Random. So Tahiti is French territory, something like that, so tons of French people go there to vacation. One interesting thing about […]
Friendster and Whitney
You like the new icons for jack and this page? Actually, you can’t see it unless you’re using Firebird or if you’ve bookmarked those pages […]
Getting Drunk
I think I wrote before about this thing I read that really impacted me, how the guy was saying if people are valuing the world […]
Margaret Cho
So wait, I’m confused. So you know, Margaret Cho has a big gay/lesbian following, and I had been that it’s because she herself is a […]
Holy Spirit Extremes
Pastor said something last week that stuck with me. In regards to the Holy Spirit, and the extremes people can have. One extreme is putting […]