Neo’s first convo with Smith is actually really interesting. Smith talks about purpose, blah blah blah. But then he says, what he wants from Neo […]
Yet more Matrix Reloaded
So apparently Lorraine can’t believe I’m still talking about Reloaded. Reloaded note. Spoilers. There’s a lot of interesting little touches in the movie. The Merovingian’s […]
So, I’m generally not an anti the crowd type of guy. Like Dave and Henry are. You know, if the crowd likes it, they’re inclined […]
Sleeping Alone
The loneliest part of your spouse being away for a long time is sleeping at night, I think. The bed just feels so big and […]
The Matrix: 101
Random Matrix note. But the number 101 comes up a lot. It’s Neo’s apt number in the first. Floor of the Merovingian in the 2nd. […]
Animal Style Fries
This is probably old news for everyone, but apparently you can get Animal Style fries at In ‘N Out. Not just burgers. Weird.
Do Psalms Rhyme? When Do Cults Give Up?
2 questions. One, do the Psalms rhyme? In the original Hebrew I mean. I’m just curious. Second question is for cults. The small, unpopular ones. […]
Easy To Annoy Henry
Here’s Henry’s fundamental flaw, I think. His problem is, it’s far easier to annoy him than it is for him to annoy other people. Like […]
Matrix Reloaded: Why People Don’t Like It
Another Reloaded thought. So I have a theory as to why people didn’t like the movie. Or at least partly. So with most (interesting) movies, […]
Matrix Reloaded: Understanding Yourself
One more Reloaded note. At least for now. So the Merovingian says something that struck me, that I didn’t notice before. (SN – I think […]