I don’t know what it is, and maybe it’s just me, but there’s something deeply satisfying about watching football. I absolutely love it. When I […]
Personal Insight
Let me get this straight – to Dave, “personal insight” means knowing the quality of their teeth???
Olympics Watching, Christian
Sorry, but I have to tell this story. So, we (me, Henry, Jieun, Lina, Irving and Adrian) were watching the women’s platform diving final in […]
The Red Violin
I think one of the things I liked about the Red Violin is that they spoke 5 different languages in it. English, Italian, German, French, […]
There’s something wrong with me. I stayed up late last night starting to read the textbook to Philosophy 160A, A Mathematical Introduction to Logic, by […]
Eric Mao
Eric Mao is mentioned in the most recent newsletter sent to Stanford CS grads. Oh my goddess!
California Junior Miss
I was looking at that California Junior Miss page that Henry links off his short thoughts, that I’m too lazy to link to here. First […]
Misty Hyman
So Misty Hyman, a U.S. swimmer, pulled off a huge upset in winning some butterfly event, I think the 200. The Australian was highly favored, […]
So my friend in LA moved to a place really near the LA Mormon temple. On the top there’s a statue of someone pointing towards […]
jack.html Community
I love the jack.html “community”. It’s just so interesting to me. Because, really, the people on it have absolutely nothing in common. Anyway, it’s interesting […]