A lot has happened in my life in the past month. Stuff that actually seems a little too ironic to be real. I won’t really […]
John Fischer on Christian music
Consider This by John Fischer ONLY A WORLD TO REACH Last month I suggested that in an important time of self-reflection, the Christian music industry […]
Nose picking, imponderables
Why is it that old people think picking your nose in public is acceptable? Like you’ll be talking to them, and they’re talking to you, […]
Cancer and the body of Christ
Well here I am back in Houston, at the U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. I’m working in the Neuro-oncology Department. Doing research on VEGF and […]
The brilliant humor of David Hong
I’m kind of depressed. The reason being, I was perusing Dave Hong’s home page, and it was hilarious. Especially his spiel on the people in […]
Stealing moving GIFs
What’s up? Why is everyone stealing the flames from my page? Sure, I stole it myself, but still, what’s up with that? Huh? That means […]
John Fischer on Christian Reputation
Consider This by John Fischer HOW SHALL WE THEN LIVE? Has anyone noticed how Christians today are becoming known for all the wrong things? They […]
Random events
Random things that have happened to me: I found out my sister went to the prom with some white guy. I saw Dave Hong, Henry […]
John Fischer on truth revelation
Food for thought: Consider This by John Fischer HANDLE WITH CARE Tell all the truth but tell it slant– Success in circuit lies Too bright […]
John Fischer on character
Consider This by John Fischer TAKING IT TO THE BANK Two months ago, Senator Mark O. Hatfield from Oregon announced his retirement after 45 years […]