While watching ESPN in our hotel room, I saw this commercial for Songs 4 Worship: Country, a bunch of worship songs covered by country artists. […]
Environmentalists and Politics
As you may or may not know, I’m a very mild environmentalist. I ride the train to work. I’m maniacal about recycling. I don’t drink […]
Trip to Lawrence Sauna
On Sunday, for the first time in my life, I went to a Korean bathhouse. Some background. For some reason, after the New York trip, […]
LSU/OSU game, Media Overexposure
Finally back home. Tons of thoughts about the trip. But instead of sharing them, I’m going to alienate all my readers save PChoi and talk […]
Happiness and Expectations
Esquire came out with an issue celebrating 10 years of “What I’ve Learned”, probably my favorite feature in the magazine, and it’s fascinating. These are […]
Wiggles, Time Out
Things have been a little crazy at work. No apologies for not blogging, since no one actually cares, but if I haven’t responded to an […]
Photography and Honesty
On some level, I don’t get the point of picture-taking. If you ask people why they take pictures, you’ll likely hear that it’s to preserve […]
Malls, Disney Princesses
Jieun had a holiday open house for her business so I took Abby out so we wouldn’t get in anyone’s way. We went to the […]
High Cholesterol, Loyalty
They had free cholesterol tests at work today, so I took one. My cholesterol level: 254. According to the American Heart Association – “240 mg/dL […]
“Extreme” Calvinists, Lame Sports Nicknames
Abraham Piper (John Piper’s son) wrote an interesting entry on “extreme” Calvinists that, as an aside, contains useful marriage advice as well. I hate to […]