People seem to commonly think that I hate L.A. This probably stems from the fact that I frequently say “I hate L.A.” But even though […]
SoCal recap part III
On Friday we headed down to Irvine to have lunch with old KFBC friends James and Paul (and Jenny). I’ve collectively known them for over […]
SoCal recap part II
I forgot to mention the worst part of the worship team doing “How Deep Is Your Love” – it was led by a female, so […]
SoCal recap part I
Egad, I even missed a baby. Congrats Josephine, also born (no drugs!) 7/5/07. For no particular reason, a long, boring SoCal trip recap. In parts. […]
Babies, babies everywhere
Wow. 3 babies born to friends in the span of 4 days. Congrats to Julia (born 7/5/07), Evangeline (7/7/07), and Micah (7/8/07). I have a […]
Prescription swim goggles. Brilliant.
John Bogle: “Enough”, Creativity
I’ve said countless times how I’m a huge fan of John Bogle. I strongly recommend reading all of his books and speeches, but in particular, […]
Presidential Candidate Selector
From superbruce’s page, Presidential Candidate Selector. My top 5: Ron Paul (74%) Christopher Dodd (72%) Barack Obama (68%) Bill Richardson (65%) John McCain (64%) Ron […]
Bible Translations
For our accountability groups at church, we read 25-30 chapters of Scripture a week (well, we’re supposed to, but honestly, my group’s assignment is more […]
Coolest Stroller In The World
The Bugaboo is the trendy stroller of late, and it’s pretty nice. But this is unquestionably cooler.