I was talking to Ted about this, but I don’t think I explained myself well. So my dad dislikes people who have been Christians all […]
Helmet Head Syndrome
Some thoughts accumulated while in the ER at night for 6 hours: (You like that kisoo@leland-esque intro? And no, I’m not going to explain.) I […]
Like bananas? Enjoy them while you can. There’s a strong possibility the bananas we eat will go extinct. That article is fascinating. Bananas from decades […]
Christians and Swearing
It seems nowadays that it’s a worse sin to be judgmental of bad behavior than to do the bad behavior itself. And maybe this is […]
The Amazing Race and Marriage
This is so outdated it’s not even funny (SN. I’ve always hated this phrase. “Not even funny”. What’s that mean? If it was just a […]
Being Thought Of As Judgmental
If anyone gets a chance to attend corporate training with IDE0 I highly recommend it. Lots of insight, I think, but it would all be […]
Mean Girls
So we watched Mean Girls the other night. Decently amusing, although too much voiceover. For some reason, I feel like the voiceover works in Clueless, […]
Settlers Stuffs
We played Settlers this evening with the Mighty Hurs. I won, and Ben actually applauded my strategy, which was flattering. But anyway, as with all […]
Michelle Wie
I don’t think Michelle Wie is attractive. I’m kind of surprised to hear that people do.
Gold Standard
Alan Greenspan supports a return to the gold standard. Or at least he used to until fairly recently. Wow.