Let me say up front that I didn’t vote for Bush. That said, here are things that piss me off about some (not all) Democrats. […]
Feel Like A Failure
Every time I talk to my or Jieun’s parents, I end up feeling like a failure. With my mom I’m not making enough money. With […]
Politics, Arnold’s A Good Governor
I was pleasantly surprised to see the Merc endorse Steve Poizner, a Republican running for an Assembly seat. Usually the Merc goes down the line […]
Self-Awareness, Bush
There’s a trick you do when interviewing someone or talking to a reference. What it is is, you ask about their weaknesses or mistakes they’ve […]
Does anyone else watch Lost? It’s an interesting series. Most recent episode focused on the Koreans. It’s weird because they pretty much speak only Korean, […]
Kerry Unappealing, Voting, Red Sox
For balance should I say what I don’t like about Kerry? Basically, there’s nothing about him to like, nothing appealing. He’s not particularly charismatic. Don’t […]
Why I Dislike Bush: The World Hates Us More
Back to why I dislike Bush. In a nutshell: because of Bush, the world hates us more. That opinion is predicated on two things: that […]
Church Game vs. Real World Game
Church Game vs. Real World Game. You can tell the author is a bit young, but whatever, mildly amusing.
Alias My Favorite Show
I think Alias is my favorite TV show. It’s absolutely ridiculous, over the top (too much for a lot of people), and possibly heretical, but […]
Goal Of Moral Laws
I pretty much entirely agree with Dave’s comment. The goal with moral laws is to determine the principles that constitute legitimate reasons. That’s pretty much […]