So I volunteered to be an interviewer for Stanford applicants in the UK. As you may or may not know, Stanford’s current dean of admissions […]
Driving In The UK
As I mentioned, the first time I rented a ZipCar here I knocked off the passenger side rear-view mirror. Maybe it’s just me, but I […]
Bought A Car
So we bought a car this week. Owning a car in London sucks. Insurance is expensive, parking is expensive (if you can find parking at […]
No one cares, but I find my economic and political viewpoints align almost exactly with Matthew Yglesias. In particular, I vote like he does. In […]
We have this book of poems by Shel Silverstein that the kids like. I’m not a huge Silverstein fan in general. I despise the Giving […]
Terry Gross’ Bias
I thought Carolyn Cline came across well when being interviewed on Fresh Air the other day. I love Terry Gross, but one thing that drives […]
Church, Snow
I’m learning British terms more and more, but there was an announcement at church on Sunday that stumped me: “It’s Burns Night so we’re having […]
Global Warming
Good article by Bjørn Lomborg on global warming scaremongering. I’ve unquestionably become more liberal in most views in the past decade. But I still fancy […]
What Makes A Movie Good
David Denby on why movies today suck. Half-interesting. The thesis is, to me, not really, the same tired complaint of the old about how movies […]
Taxes, Driving
Every time there’s a debate about taxes, there are people out there (for example Henry and Gregg Easterbrook) who say certain liberals who favor higher […]