You know what? Those travelogues are boring. So I’m not going to finish it. The next couple days I did the Chicago thing, with the […]
Category: Uncategorized
Road trip: Day 7
Leo left pretty early in the morning; I guess he had to get back. It was cool though; we all went out with him to […]
Playing In Weddings
I love playing in weddings. I don’t know, there’s just something really cool about it. Being in the rehearsal, going to the dinner – you […]
The rate of autism is increasing also. Such that it will be more prevalent than childhood cancer and Down’s syndrome.
PV High School
Did you know Palos Verdes High School is prominently featured in Lethal Weapon?
Road trip: Day 6
The next day, we got up, showered, and left for Lion’s Choice. This is some roast beef place that is a St. Louis thing. We […]
Santa Clara County Tap Water and Miscarriage
Disturbing. This link from the San Jose Water company, indicates that there’s a link between drinking a lot of tap water in Santa Clara County, […]
Why do people stalk me? Two random people have recently linked me their pages. I never ask people to do this. Anyway, one’s from Northwestern, […]
Is spelling “publicly” as “publically” a valid poetic device?
JBB T-Shirts
I ran into Stephen Chang at church today, and he saw the jacked bulletin board t-shirts that Liz made, and wanted to know what it […]